Thursday, December 1, 2016

Poor Little Liberals, By Bill O'Reilly

Oh my my, poor Miss Hillry done lost her an election and de wittle wiberals is pissing dae pants...

Ha! That's the last I'll rub it in kids, but never forget just how were...

That said, I am geniouneoly starting this line of communication for Liberals to share their grief with Mr. Bill and OPINE on the issues of the day and of course the election, that was....  ;)

If you care to make a suggestioon for my upcoming book, Killing Trump, feel free to too!

Until later, the word of the day is (from the Urban Dictionary) 

"bitch slap 
To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining"